Since 1944

Welcome to The Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society

Hamilton Centennial 1913

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Since 1944

Our predecessor: The Wentworth Historical Society (1899-1925)

The Wentworth Historical Society was formed in January 1889 to promote study into and publicize the "history, archaeology…and genealogy" of the area around the City of Hamilton, at the western end of Lake Ontario, known as the Head-of-the-Lake. The Society presented a speakers’ series and established an annual periodical, Wentworth Historical Society Papers and Records, in which they published the talks. The Wentworth Historical Society ceased functioning in 1925. At that time, its records and books were placed in storage, with the hope that the Society might later be revived.

The Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society (1944 - Present)

In January 1944, Lt. Col. C.R. McCullough (1865-1947) convened a meeting of historically-minded residents of Hamilton with the objective of meeting with Dr. Charles W. Jefferys, president of the Ontario Historical Society to discuss the possibility of establishing a new local historical society in the city. At subsequent meetings in February, a constitution was prepared and a slate of officers chosen. On March 22, 1944, twenty interested citizens met with this group and, after discussion, adopted the constitution, selected the name "The Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society" (HLHS), and confirmed the executive. Also, the OHS turned over all the publications and archives of the former Wentworth Historical Society to the new Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society so that they could carry on what their predecessor had started. The first general public meeting of the HLHS was held in the old Art Gallery, on Main Street West near James, on March 31, 1944.

Past Projects

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Other Works

Plaques: We have sponsored several historical plaques to commemorate people and events in the Hamilton area. In this regard, we have worked in close conjunction with the former Joint Plaquing Committee of the Hamilton Historical Board.

Wentworth Bygones: The journal, Wentworth Bygones, was established and first published in 1958. Some hard copies are available for purchase. For more information, see our Publications page.


We have published the following books.

Speakers’ Series: We have held these presentations since our founding and continue to hold them eight times a year. For current information, see our Speakers' Schedule page.

Current Projects

See our Activities page

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